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CodeIgniter 4 - DataTables

A library to easily use DataTables with CodeIgniter 4.

The Table class

This class allows to obtain a table formatted in html.

    $table  = new \atsanna\DataTables\Html\Table();

Association of a Model to the table

It is possible to define a model to be passed as a dependency in the constructor; this model will be used for the management of columns and queries.

    $userModel  = new \atsanna\Models\UserModel();
    $table      = new \atsanna\DataTables\Html\Table( $userModel );

The model can be associated or replaced using the method setModel()

    $table      = new \atsanna\DataTables\Html\Table();
    $userModel  = new \atsanna\Models\UserModel();

To retrieve and use the associated model, use the method getModel()

    $model = $table->getModel();

DataTables configuration

Once the class is instantiated, a basic configuration for the javascript part of DataTables will also be created. This configuration can be called with the method getConfiguration() and customized with specific settings according to need.

            ->setPagingType( 'full_numbers')
            ->setLengthMenu('[[10, 25, 50, 100, -1], [10, 25, 50, 100, "All"]]')

Return of the table in html format

The render() method returns the formatted table. It is possible to pass an array with the definition of the fields, styles and css classes to improve the visualization

    $data = [
        'id'        => $userModel->table,
        'class'     => 'table table-striped table-bordered',
        'style'     => 'width: 100%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;',
        'fields'    => $userModel->allowedFields,
    echo $table->render($data);